Happy Easter! Today we celebrate the holiest day of the year in Christianity: the day that Jesus rose from his tomb. We are also currently in the holy month of Ramadan, the month in the Islamic calendar when the Quran was revealed to the prophet Muhammad. And this week is also Passover, or Pesach, the Jewish holiday that marks the Israelites’ exodus from slavery in Egypt. We are so blessed to have these holidays coincide this year, to celebrate alongside our Muslim and Jewish friends.
As we remember the life and death of Jesus, we try to follow his example for living in communion with others, showing love to those who are oppressed, and speaking the truth. Even though Jesus lived 2,000 years ago, his teachings and his struggles still resonate today.
Good Friday marked the day that Jesus was crucified by the government, because his teachings threatened their power. In Jerusalem on this year’s Good Friday, the Israeli military attacked Palestinian worshipers in Al Aqsa mosque. Al Aqsa is one of the holiest and oldest sites in Islam, and huge crowds of people were gathered there for sunrise prayers, fajr. Sadly, the Israeli military arrested and injured hundreds of peaceful worshipers. During this sacred time of Ramadan, Passover, and Easter, this attack is even more oppressive.
On Good Friday, we remember the violence of the state that took Jesus’ life, and the grace that Jesus showed in his crucifixion. Then on Easter, we celebrate how Jesus overcame death and how the word he preached is still alive today. Remembering that, let us recognize injustice when it happens, and follow Jesus’ example to work towards a world of peace and communion. The attack on Al Aqsa mosque is a sad example of a violent government targeting innocent people. With Jesus’ teachings, we can stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, with love and grace. And one day, Palestine will be free once again. Happy Easter, Ramadan Mubarak, Chag Pesach Sameach, and Free Palestine.